Digital Portfolio
Teachers of grades P-12 have a broad and comprehensive understanding of instructional planning and delivery and demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver standards-based, data-driven differentiayed instruction that engages students, makes effective use of contemporary tools and technologies, and helps all students achieve learning goals.
Standard Three: Instructional Planning and Delivery
This is a video of me teaching the Philharmonic Orchestra at North Central High School. [Performance]
Below the video, you will find the lesson plan [Performance] and reflection [Disposition] associated with this lesson.
This project includes five consecutive lessons I taught with Festival Orchestra at North Central High School, all focusing on "stylistic contrast" within an arrangment of the ballet The Nutcracker. Explore this project to see multiple teaching videos [Performance], lesson plans [Performance], formal and informal assessments [Performance], and reflections of individual lessons and the project as a whole [Disposition].
Select comments taken from students' course evalutations of MUS-E 241. I was an Associate Instructor for this course in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. [Disposition]